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2016 L.E.A.D. Training, Sat 1/30
The best place for one-stop training is at L.E.A.D. (Leadership, Education and Discovery). At Scout L.E.A.D., you can find all the courses you need in all the programs: Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity, and Venturing. Bask in the warmth of friendliness and camaraderie of like-minded Scout leaders. This is Scout L.E.A.D and it’s a blast! Catch-up with old friends and meet new friends. Expanding your network of scouters will enable you to leap tall scouts in a single bound. All adults (Uniformed Leaders, Committee Members, Interested Parents, District & Council volunteers) are invited. Invest in the future – YOUR future success as a Scout leader, and the continuing interest and engagement of your Scouts depends on trained adults. Every Scout deserves a trained leader.
Nov 14, 2015 584
Parent/Pack Leader Meeting, 10/13, 7pm
Want to know what is going on and have your voice heard? Join us for the monthly Parent/Leader Meeting @ 7pm, IHOP Martinez, 1190 Arnold Avenue.
Sep 14, 2015 1757
September Pack Meeting, 9/29
Join us for our 1st Pack Meeting of the year @ Hidden Valley Elementary Multi-Use Room, 6:45pm
Sep 14, 2015 1782
January 13th, Pack/Parent Committee Meeting
Want to know what is going on and have your voice heard? Join us for the monthly Parent/Leader Meeting @ 7pm, IHOP Martinez, 1190 Arnold Avenue.
Dec 16, 2014 2365
December Pack Meeting/Mistletoe Packing, 12/9, 6:45pm
Join us for the December Pack Meeting/Mistletoe Packing @ Grace Episcopal Church, 130 Muir Station Road. Please wear your Class B uniform and note the different meeting location.
Nov 17, 2014 2159
Winter Camping Overnighter, 12/6-12/7
Our annual Winter Campout at a new location, Borges Ranch, Walnut Creek This beautiful location a nice large-sized pit for grilling, a stainless food preparation table, picnic tables, electricity, potable water, real bathrooms, a paved road and parking lot, a stage and seating for skits and other fun stuff, level ground for tents, nearby hiking trails plus an old ranch including goats, sheep and chickens. To RSVP or for additional information, please contact Jeff Sherwin
Nov 14, 2014 3
Caroling @ The Chateau, Pleasant Hill, 12/16
Join us once again for our annual pack caroling at the Chateau, Pleasant Hill. This year we will have musical accompaniment on the piano courtesy of a former bay area boy scout, now pianist, who has generously donated his time! Pinewood Derby kits will be handed out afterwards. For additional information please contact Kathy Reichert.
Nov 14, 2014 2194
November Pack Meeting, 11/18, 6:45pm
Join us for our November Pack Meeting @ HVE Multi-Use Room, 6:45pm. Please be sure to come in your best Class A Uniform for our Annual Pack Photo.
Nov 14, 2014 2101
Scouting for Food, 11/15, 10am
As we support the annual Scouting for Food campaign and do our daily good deed. Join us in collection from the same location that we dropped off the door hangers last Saturday, load it up into the Trailer and caravan over to the Contra Costa/Solana Food Bank to off load. A Pack tradition is to go to Kinder's after all our handwork.
Nov 14, 2014 2164
Overnight Odyssey, 2/7-2/8, Chabot Space & Science Center
Earn your Astronomy Belt Loop and Astronomy Academic Pin and spend a night under the stars at Chabot Space & Science Center, Oakland, CA. Event includes Entry to the center for the duration, scavenger hunt, workshops, digital Cosmos 360 series planetarium show, telescope viewing (weather permitting) and a participation patch. For questions or additional information, please RSVP & contact Mark Hinkins
Nov 14, 2014 11
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